This is where the magic happens. It’s all about freshness and sustainability. When you enjoy craft beer from one of these vessels, it means that it came straight from our brewery. No time in a warehouse, no trucks, no liquor store shelves, just you and the brew! Deliciously fresh crafted beer. Because growlers, cans and bottles are so fresh, you get all the same aromatics, all the great bitterness, deep malts, and delicate flavors you’d get if you drank them while sitting at Hilltop. They are all filled to-order and meant to be consumed fresh for your off-site enjoyment.
We have expert brewers, the latest equipment, ample storage, and bottling/ canning services that will help you bring your beer to life. Family owned and operated, we produce high quality beer of all styles that is delicious and easy drinking.
Multi-use vessel that exists to be refilled. Every time you fill a growler, you keep cardboard and glass out of a landfill. We do fill growlers from other breweries.
One-use vessel filled to order. Cans are lightweight, recyclable, won’t shatter, and can go places where glass can’t. Remember to be kind and recycle – it will be reborn in a month.
EMPTY GROWLER(no beer): 64oz Growler – $15.00
GROWLER FILLING PRICES: 64oz Growler– $17 to $30
CROWLER FILLING PRICES: 32oz Crowler Can – $12 to $22
KEG FILLING PRICES: 1/6 Barrel $65 to $125 1/2 Barrel $150 to $235